Find dog tidy bags

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Council provides free dog waste tidy bags in the locations below:

1. Anderson Park - near the Clark Road entrance

2. Berry Island Reserve - entrance at the end of Shirley Road

3. Brennan Park - main entrance 

4. Brightmore Reserve - lower end of Little Wonga Road

5. Cremorne Point Reserve - on the path to the point, 50 metres from the toilets, and on Bogota Avenue, 50 metres along the path to the reserve

6. Forsyth Park - approximately 20 metres from the vehicle entrance gate

7. Green Park - on Warwick Avenue at the path entrance to the childcare centre

8. Milson Park - adjacent to the toilets

9. Primrose Park - on the lower end of Denos Lane, on the path to the cricket mets, and in Young Street carpark on the hill

10. Sawmillers Reserve - approximately 50 metres from the West Crescent Street entrance 

11. St Leonards Park - at the rear of the bowling club work shed

12. St Thomas Rest Park - approximately 20 metres from the entrance gate at West Street 

13. Tunks Park - near the vehicle entrance off Brothers Avenue 

14. Waverton Park - top of the park, adjacent to the toilets

15. Waverton Park - lower section of park, just past John Street entrance  

Fines apply if your dog defecates in a public place and you do not pick up the droppings immediately.

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