Organisational structure

North Sydney Council’s organisational structure is made up of three divisions and the Office of the CEO. 

Office of the CEO

Therese Cole, Chief Executive Officer

  • Customer and Communications
  • General Counsel
  • Organisational Performance

The Chief Executive Officer leads the organisation and is responsible for its effective and efficient operation, including the implementation of all functions and decisions delegated to them by Council.

Customer and Communications provides an integrated customer experience to our local community, through face-to-face, phone, digital, print and social media channels. From provision of help and advice through one-on-one interactions; to building understanding of what we do through communications and promotion; and meaningful community engagement to inform our service delivery, the team supports all aspects of the customer journey.

General Counsel oversees the legal function at Council. This includes the provision of legal advice, review and negotiation of contracts as well as management of litigation and dispute resolution. The General Counsel is also responsible for the Insurance Function at Council as well as Code of Conduct matters.  

Organisational Performance oversees projects and initiatives that improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Council. This includes development and implementation of an integrated performance management framework and service review program.

Planning and Environment

Marcelo Occhiuzzi, Director

  • Community Resilience and Sustainability 
  • Development Services
  • Environmental and Building Compliance
  • Ranger and Parking Services
  • Strategic Planning

Community Resilience and Sustainability develop and deliver Council and community programs, projects and initiatives to enhance community wellbeing and achieve environmental and sustainability outcomes. This includes environmental policy development, sustainability initiatives, bushland care and management, the Streets Alive and Harbourcare programs as well as community development and community capacity building.

Development Services is responsible for the provision of planning and heritage advice for both internal and external customers, assessment of development applications and associated applications for engineering and hoarding works on Council property. This team conducts inspections of proposed development sites, neighbouring properties, and public areas in association with development applications. The team sets the agenda for the Design Excellence Panel and North Sydney Local Planning Panel. It also provides input and expert advice to the Land and Environment Court in support of the defence of development appeals.

Environmental and Building Compliance is responsible for regulating a wide range of building and health related legislation, such as unauthorised construction and land use, pollution and public health issues, and routine inspection programs to maintain and protect the health and amenity of the local community.

Ranger and Parking Services are responsible for administering parking enforcement practices and providing regulatory and compliance services in the areas of public safety, companion animal management and out-of-hours building compliance.

Strategic Planning guides growth and change by developing policy including planning instruments, place-based planning studies, heritage management as well as meet various other statutory obligations. They also provide design guidance to help deliver improved built form outcomes and create great places. 

Corporate Services

Luke Harvey, Director

  • Arts, Library and Events
  • Corporate Governance
  • Financial Services
  • Information Technology
  • People and Culture

Arts, Library and Events provides resources, programs and events to support lifelong learning and wellbeing in our community. The Library team is centred at Stanton Library, and the Arts and Events teams run a series of programs and events across the local government area throughout the year. 

Corporate Governance manage our Council and Committee meetings. They support our elected Councillors and ensure the effective administration of Council. Risk Management, Internal Audit, Integrated Planning and Reporting and Contract Management are also included in this team. 

Financial Services are responsible for financial operations, long-term financial planning, budgeting and financial control. The team also manages Council’s commercial property and procurement functions.  

Information Technology implement and maintain digital systems and processes to support Council’s operations. The team is also responsible for Information Management. 

People and Culture supports Council’s workforce to achieve their full potential. This includes workforce planning, organisational development and performance management, recruitment and selection processes, and industrial and employee relations.

Open Space and Infrastructure

Gary Parsons, Director

  • Capital Projects and Asset Management
  • Leisure and Aquatics
  • Public Presentation
  • Traffic and Transport 

Capital Projects and Assets Management are responsible for asset lifecycle planning and the development and delivery of Council’s capital works program including the construction and renewal of buildings, footpaths, roads, drainage and open space infrastructure.

Leisure and Aquatics develops and delivers fitness, swimming and recreational programs and services to the community through the North Sydney Olympic Pool.

Public Presentation manages waste services, roads, town centres, public carparks, trade services, sports fields, parks and gardens. They also maintain Council’s civil assets including repairs to roads, footpaths, kerb and gutters, retaining walls, traffic calming devices and the drainage network. 

Traffic and Transport investigates, assesses, analyses, designs and advises on traffic and transport matters. They also coordinate the North Sydney Traffic Committee and provide road safety education and sustainable transport programs.

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