Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

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Our Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMS&P) outlines how Council and property owners in North Sydney can mitigate flood risk and manage the impact of flooding now and in the future.

A comprehensive Flood Study, which utilised historical data, climate change forecasts, and flood simulation models to identify flood risk and the potential extent, level and velocity of floodwaters in the North Sydney area, was completed to help guide the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.

Climate change is predicted to lead to more frequent and more severe rainfall events, which will increase the occurrence of flooding. Sea level rise will also worsen flooding, although due to the area’s topography, the Study found very few locations in the LGA will see worse flooding with higher sea levels.

Properties subject to flood-related development conditions

The Flood Study also identified Flood Planning Areas (FPAs) made up of 836 individual lots, including 722 building lots and 114 lots within Council owned parks and reserves.

Under the final Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan, endorsed by Council in 2022, properties identified as being within a Flood Planning Area are classified as a 'flood control lot' subject to flood-related development conditions to reduce the impact of flood.

If your property is within a Flood Planning Area, even if there is no historical evidence of flooding at your property, you will need to ensure that the floor level of any new building work is above the flood level to minimise the risk of potential flood-related damage to your property.

These properties will also be listed as a 'flood control lot' on 10.7 Planning Certificates, which are issued when people are buying and selling property.

The Plan also guides Council on future works that may help reduce flooding on individual properties.

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) website provides advice on how to manage flood risk.

Visit www.floodsafe.com.au for more information.


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