Report an issue with dog barking or behaviour

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If you have a problem with dog noise or dog behaviour, you can take the following steps:

  1. Discuss the problem with your neighbour to try and resolve the matter.
  2. Report the problem to Council and request our rangers investigate.
  3. Contact the Community Justice Centre which can help negotiate between parties to avoid costly legal proceedings. They can be contacted on 1800 990 777.
  4. You may also pursue the matter privately by lodging a complaint with a Chamber Magistrate at your local court on 1300 679 272.

When reporting a problem regarding dogs to Council, you are asked to:

  • identify the offending dog
  • identify the day and time of the offence
  • suggest reasons why the dog became disturbed and inform Council if you're prepared to testify in a court of law.

Single, unsupported complaints of barking will be reported to the owner via mail with a request that they take action to solve the problem.

If we receive two independent complaints within a continuous 14-day period, or four independent complaints within a continuous 90-day period, rangers will commence an investigation.


Contact our Council Rangers

Our Council Rangers are on duty seven days a week from 5.30am to midnight and investigate issues impacting our community.

Telephone: 02 9936 8100

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