Parking patrols

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Council's Rangers and Parking Officers have the authority to ensure all timed signage is followed and that motorists do not stop or park in prohibited areas.

Illegal parking can cause delays, queuing and inconvenience other motorists. It can pose a significant safety risk for both motorists and pedestrians.

Parking Officers and Rangers monitor parking between the hours of 5.30am and midnight, seven days a week.

These hours of operation reflect the hours displayed on the parking control signs in the North Sydney Council area.

Parking Officers:

  • visit every street in the local government area at least three times a week
  • patrol the commercial districts daily
  • patrol all schools daily during the school terms.


Uniforms and identifying a Parking Officer

Our Parking Officers wear a Council uniform, consisting of a parchment-coloured polo or polo-style shirt, navy trousers or shorts, jumper and jacket, and an Akubra or fawn-style hat. They sometimes wear high-visibility jackets or vests. Each Parking Officer has an ID badge.

Council Officers regularly undertake covert operations to check the misuse of mobility permits. Although officers are not in uniform for such operations, they carry identification cards that lists their name and number.

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