Trees on private land

Trees causing damage to property

Council does not mediate in neighbour disputes over trees.

When there’s damage occurring or likely to occur, residents should discuss the matter with the tree owner.

If an amicable resolution can’t be reached, the next course of action would be to involve an independent mediator such as the Community Justice Centre.

If this is unsuccessful, the final option is to go to the Land and Environment Court under the Trees (Disputes between Neighbours) Act 2006 where a legal Order may be imposed on the tree owner to take action.

Contact Council

Our Customer Service Centre operates from 9am to 5pm. Our Council Rangers are on duty and contactable seven days a week from 5.30am to midnight.

Address: Customer Service Centre, 200 Miller Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060

Telephone: (02) 9936 8100

Tree management plans and policies

We have key plans, policies and strategies that direct our management of trees on public and private land.

View our tree policies