We have up to 60 noticeboards to carry your message to our busy neighbourhood communities. This is a free service to promote local community events and services.
Apply for a noticeboard space
- Contact our Community Information Officer to book a space on 02 9936 8100 or communityinformation@northsydney.nsw.gov.au
- Email or bring in the flyer for approval.
- Once approved, 30 x A5 flyers (or 60 if the noticeboards are quiet) need to be delivered to our Customer Service, 200 Miller Street. Or post to North Sydney Council, PO Box 12, North Sydney 2059, Attention Community Information Officer.
2024 Noticeboard closing dates
It is your responsibility to make sure hard copies of the flyers are delivered before midday on these closing dates:
- Tuesday 30 January
- Tuesday 12 March
- Tuesday 30 April
- Tuesday 11 June
- Tuesday 23 July
- Tuesday 3 September
- Tuesday 15 October
- Tuesday 26 November
The flyers are put up on the weekend following the closing date.
Priority is given to local community events and services, and not-for-profit groups.
Open noticeboards
If you are not eligible or have missed the deadline, there are three open noticeboards where flyers can be placed at any time. All notices without a current date are taken down at the end of the weekend following the above closing dates.
- Blues Point Road at McMahons Point Community Centre.
- Bay Road, opposite Waverton train station.
- Burton Street Tunnel, near Milsons Point train station.
Ted Mack Civic Park Noticeboard
Have your notice placed on the Ted Mack Civic Park noticeboards, near Stanton Library.
For more information, contact the Community Information Officer on 02 9936 8100 or communityinformation@northsydney.nsw.gov.au