North Sydney Council presents the inaugural exhibition at Ridge Street Window Gallery as part of the 2023 Gai-mariagal Festival.
Join us for the launch event of His Royal Travesty by Blak Douglas, the inaugural exhibition at North Sydney Council's new Ridge Street Window Gallery 43 Ridge Street North Sydney.
About the artist
Blak Douglas is the 2022 Art Gallery of NSW Archibald Prize Winner. He was born Adam Douglas Hill in Blacktown (1970) and based in Sydney, the Dhungatti artist has spent the last 20 years creating work with social justice commentary and powerful symbolism. Blak Douglas is well known for the quirky titles of his work, often a play on words, that reflect the deeper commentary of his work.
Influenced by his study of graphic design, the recognisable style of Blak Douglas’ work has seen his work collected by institutions around Australia and the world including the National Gallery of Australia, National Maritime Museum, Aboriginal Art Museum (Utrecht, Netherlands) as well as regional galleries around NSW. He has exhibited extensively in Australia and overseas and a finalist numerous times in Art Prizes such as Telstra National Indigenous Art Awards, Art Gallery of NSW Archibald and Wynne Prizes, Parliament of NSW Aboriginal Art Prize, Mosman Art Prize, Blake Prize and Kilgour Art Prize and more. He is also an accomplished Yidaki (Didgeridoo) player performing at large festivals and opening ceremonies such as Rugby World Cup and Australian Idol Final.
The exhibition continues until 10 July and can be viewed until 8pm each evening.
Photo credit: Blak Douglas by Ben Pearse