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- NovelList Plus
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- Fantastic Fiction
Not sure which book by your favourite author you need to read next? This site has outstanding author bibliographies and series lists.
- Goodreads
The world’s biggest site for readers and book recommendations.
- Good Reading Magazine
Discover the popular Australian monthly magazine online and held in our magazine collection for exclusive articles, independent reviews, information about new books as well as old favourites, daily book news and podcasts.
- Literature Map
The tourist map of literature. Type in an author's name and find similar authors quickly and easily.
- Read This Twice
Verified book recommendations from people we look up to. A compilation of books that influenced and shaped the top entrepreneurs, authors, investors, scientists, politicians and more.
- What Should I Read Next?
Enter a book you like and the site will analyse the huge database of real readers' favourite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next.
- Whichbook
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