Planting trees guide

Caring for your tree

Mulching and trunk protection

Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil, prevents weed growth and stabilises soil temperature. It is important to protect the trunk from mowers and whipper snippers as bumps from these create wounds allowing pest and disease entry, or even worse, can ringbark and kill the tree.

Watering your tree

As a rule, it is usually better to give a deep watering once a week rather than a little bit every day. Deep watering encourages a deeper, more resilient root system. Adjust the quantity and frequency in response to natural rain and take care not to overwater as too much water will kill a tree just as quickly as not enough.

Can I plant a tree on the verge outside my property?

You are NOT allowed to plant trees on public land. If you would like a tree, contact Council and an arborist will inspect the proposed planting site. If suitable, Council will schedule the planting of a new tree.

Contact Council