Apply for a Resident Parking Permit

Complete Resident Parking Permit application

If you are applying for a parking permit for your privately-owned vehicle, please ensure you have the required documents before you lodge a Resident Parking Permit application form: 

  • current registration papers with your name and current North Sydney address. If you cannot produce your registration papers, contact Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) through Service NSW and request a new set to be issued.
  • one proof of residential status document, such as:
    • driver licence
    • electoral card/roll
    • residential lease agreement
    • home contents insurance
    • utility bill
    • bank statement.

Applying via email:

Fill out the form below and send your completed form and all required documents to

Upon receiving your completed application via email, our customer service team will send an online payment link separately through BPoint. 

Some customers are currently receiving email responses from Council in their spam or junk folders. Please check your spam or junk folder if you have not received our reply. We are working to find a solution to this problem.

Applying in person:

Fill out the form below and bring your completed form and supporting documents into Customer Service.

For applications made in person, payment can be completed at time of application.

All applications must include the applicable fee. 

Resident Parking Permit application form

Parking permits for other types of vehicles may require additional documents to be submitted with your application – please check the list below.

A representative may apply and collect permits on your behalf, but whoever's name is on the application must sign the form.

Please note, current permits cannot be transferred to different vehicles. All permits must be renewed by 31 March.

Permits for borrowed vehicles

  • current registration papers of the vehicle
  • a copy of the registered owner's licence
  • a letter from the registered owner advising Council of the person who has possession of the vehicle. This must include a full description detailing make, type, year and exterior colour
  • two proofs of residential status documents.

Permits for company vehicles

  • letter on company letterhead advising Council of:
    • the person who has possession of the vehicle
    • the borrower or lessee's address
    • full description of vehicle including make, model, year and colour of vehicle AND
  • two proofs of residential status documents.

Residents in three-bedroom units applying for a second permit in Parking Zone B

  • a copy of the strata title plan, including dimensioned unit floor plan OR
  • a copy of the Council DA consent approval for the property OR
  • a copy of the residential tenancy lease that stipulates the number of bedrooms in the unit (tenants only).

Doctor or care worker parking permit

Fill out Resident Parking form (doctor or care worker) and email with your documents or bring them to our Customer Service Centre.

Some customers are currently receiving email responses from Council in their spam or junk folders. Please check your spam or junk folder if you have not received our reply. We are working to find a solution to this problem.

Resident Parking Permits for vehicles registered interstate

We still need to see current registration documents with your name. If you do not have the original, a photocopy is sufficient. 

Provided all other eligibility requirements are met, the permit will be valid for three months. After three months has lapsed, your car must be re-registered within NSW. There are no extensions to this permit.

Resident Parking Permits for new cars waiting for registration papers to be issued

Registration papers for new cars can take some weeks to arrive. We accept the purchase receipt from the dealership in lieu of the registration papers, but it must have your name, current North Sydney address and registration number on it.

If the vehicle is second-hand, you must provide a receipt from the dealer (as with new vehicles).

Resident Parking Permits and insurance courtesy vehicles

You must supply us with a letter from your insurer or repairer confirming that the vehicle displaying the permit is currently undergoing repairs, and for how long. We can then issue you with a Vehicle in Repair permit for a maximum of one month.

Temporary permits due to building works impacting off-street parking

Temporary permits may be issued if repairs or other building works affect your parking area.

Parking for residential visitors

Each property is entitled to purchase 30 Visitor Parking Permits a year. Each permit is valid for one day. They can only be used in the same parking area as a standard Resident Parking Permit.

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