Traffic Committee

Cars on a street

Any proposed changes to traffic or parking arrangements must be considered by the North Sydney Traffic Committee before they can be implemented.

Traffic Committee meetings are held at 10am on Fridays at six week intervals. Meeting agendas and reports are published on Council’s website on the Thursday in the week prior to the meeting, and can all be found lower down.

There are four voting members on the Traffic Committee - Transport for NSW, the NSW Police, the local State Member of Parliament and North Sydney Council.

Council only gets one vote at the meeting - this is determined by the majority vote of the Councillors present at the meeting. The Mayor generally chairs the Traffic Committee meeting, however, in the absence of the Mayor one of the other Councillors will chair the meeting.

Traffic Committee agendas and minutes

Report a traffic issue

Any request for a traffic matter to be investigated by the Traffic Committee must be submitted in writing to Council for review. Council officers will advise in writing on the outcome of their investigations, and whether the matter is to be referred to the Traffic Committee. Before submitting, please check Council’s Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) Action Plans to see if the issue has already been addressed.

Attend a Traffic Committee meeting

Registration to attend and address the Traffic Committee must be received by 12pm on the Thursday prior to meeting. Your registration must relate to an item on the agenda. Agenda items can be found on the Traffic Committee page.

Register now