Sport and Recreation Reference Group

The Sport and Recreation Reference Group, consisting of councillors and citizen members, aims to:

  • give residents, representatives from sporting clubs/associations, schools, personal trainers and industry experts the opportunity to provide advice and feedback to Council on matters relevant to sport and recreation in the North Sydney local government area
  • assist Council to provide sporting and recreational facilities, infrastructure and services which best meet the sometimes varying and often competing needs of users, both now and in the future.

The functions of the Sport and Recreation Reference Group include:

  • sport and recreation planning and policy development
  • strategic program reviews
  • facilitation of partnerships, community and user participation programs
  • provision of support to specific project working groups established by Council from time to time.

View meeting agendas, reports and minutes

Address a Reference Group

All Reference Group meetings are open to the public. To address a Reference Group, contact the Governance Coordinator by 12pm on the day of the meeting. Copies of agendas are available online, at the Customer Service Centre, or Stanton Library from the Friday prior to the scheduled meeting. Reference Group meetings and recommendations are reported to the next Council meeting for endorsement.

Telephone: 02 9936 8100

Join a Reference Group

All Council Reference Groups are open to members of the public and representatives of community groups and organisations.

Apply now